Obras Encontradas:
"Material educativo computarizado sobre física general a distancia
aterial Educativo Computarizado"
Autor: Alfonso
"Ortega en el Perú
n.º 14 (2009): 155-169
ISSN: 11368071
Ortega en el Perú"
Autor: Sobrevilla
123 millones para el año 2010
Autor: Madrigal Hinjosa
1997 - 1998, ¿ Difieren la naturaleza de las crisis en Asia y en América Latina?
Autor: Salama
A behavioral approach to musica therapy
Autor: Madsen
A Bentley's Approach to Public Policy. Some Empirical Support
Autor: Zablotsky
A case of study of orographic cyclogenesis over South America
Autor: Mikyfunatsu
A centrifuge for studies of fluid dynamics phenomena in a rotating frame of reference (Revista Mexicana de Física)
Autor: Vargas
A checklist of the reptiles and amphibians of Guerrero, México
Autor: Pérez - Ramos
A CMOS transitor - only 2nd order low - pass SD modulator (Revista Mexicana de Física)
Autor: Sandoval - Ibarra
A comparative simpole method for human bioclimatic conditions applied to seasonally hot / warn cities of Mexico
Autor: Tejeda - Martínez
A corollary from the IUCN / IAB workshop: endangered bryophytes world - wide
Autor: Hallingbäck
A Corporate Finance Cash Flow model with Float
Autor: Apreda
A diabatic generalization of the quasigeostrophic frontogenesis function
Autor: Luna
A different view of the climatic effect of Co2 - Updated
Autor: Ellsaesser
A field comparison of cloud water collectors in a mountainous region under low wind speed conditions in Eastern Mexico
Autor: Padilla
A freshwater species of Pontarachna, (Acari, Pontarachnidae) from South Africa, with a discussion of genital acetabula in the family
Autor: Cook
A gap in the Pliocene invasion of seawater to the Gulf of California
Autor: Ledesma - Vázquez
A lidar study of atmospheric aerosols during two contrasting monsoon seasons
Autor: Devara
A methodical approach to Gis - based hydrogeologic mapping
Autor: Masuch Oesterreich
A model of the stable nocturnal boundary layer
Autor: Perez García
A model study of the time evolution of climate at the secular time scale
Autor: Smits
A new genus and species of a holostean belonging to the family ophiopsidae, Teoichthys kallistos, from the cretaceous, near Tepexi de Rodríguez, Puebla
Autor: Applegate
A new genus and species of erythraeinae (Acari: Erythaeidae) from Rwanda
Autor: Fain
A new regional biogeography of the Amazonian subregion, mainly based on animal taxa
Autor: Morrone
A new species of Loncophorus from Mexico (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Anthonomini) Associated with Mortoniodendron (Malvales: Tiliaceae)
Autor: Clark
A new tipe of maar volcano from the State of Durango - the El Jagüegy - La Breña complex reinterpreted
Autor: Swanson
A new type of maar volcano from the State of Durango - the el Jagüey- La Breña complex reinterpreted; a discussion
Autor: Aranda - Gómez
A note on hemipheric and global temperature changes
Autor: Wiin - Nielsen
A note on longer term oscillations in the atmosphere
Autor: Wiin - Nielsen
A note on nonlinear aspects of large - scale atmospheric instabilities
Autor: Wiin - Nielsen
A Note on the Equivalence between Contractual and Tort Liability
Autor: Coloma
A note on the logarithmic -3 law of atmospheric energy
Autor: Wiin - Nielsen
A Note on Valuation of Companies with Growth Opportunities
Autor: Dapena
A numerical study of warm cloud interactions
Autor: Francisco
A preliminary report on the comenditic dome and ash flow complex of Sierra La Primavera, Jalisco; reply
Autor: Mahood
A principal component analysis of visibility and air pollution in six California cities
Autor: Motallebi
A principal-Agent Model with Ego in the Utility Function
Autor: Giolito
A propósito de la argumentación jurídica
Autor: Atienza
A propósito del "Concepto de Estabilidad de los sistemas políticos"
Autor: Barragán
A propósito del concepto de derechos humanos de Francisco Laporta
Autor: Atienza
A Public Choice Approach to Military Coups d'Etat
Autor: Zablotsky
A Revisao da constituiçao francesa de 1958. A permanente procura de uma constituiçao modelar
Autor: de Olivera Baracho
A revision of the genus Cyphothorax (Coleoptera: Buprestidae: Agrilinae)
Autor: Bellamy
A scenario of human thermal comfort in Mexico City for 2CO2 conditions
Autor: Jauregui
A schematic theory of nuclear reactions (Revista Mexicana de Física)
Autor: Medina
A sea breeze rainfall model
Autor: Estoque
A short term prediction model for surface ozone at southwest part of Mexico valley
Autor: Bravo
A simple and effective approach to calculate the energy of complex atoms (Revista Mexicana de Física)
Autor: Di Rocco
A simple connection of the anapole moment with de charge radius of a massless left-handed Dirac neutrino Acerca del campo eléctrico producido por cargas aceleradas (Revista Mexicana de Física)
Autor: Rosado
visualizando 50 obras de la página 1 de un total de 4144 obra/s